Hi everyone!

From time to time, I'm called out to do some work for office tenants and sometimes for building managers. Yesterday a building manager had me out to their facility to look at running some cabling for cameras. The lines will come back to their primary communications closet.

This thing is a disaster.

But really, it's pretty darn common for office buildings like this. Tenants come and go, technology changes, etc, and most of the time things get added but never removed.

Now that the wall is full, they're trying to figure out how to reclaim some space but getting rid of old stuff.

How do I tell what's old?

I mean sure, there's probably some stuff on the wall that's not powered on, so it can probably be tossed. But there's all this..stuff. Telco stuff is outside my comfort zone. I look at a phone block and sort of freeze up. Do you guys have any advice for this sort of work? Or if I don't do it myself, do you know how I'd go about looking for someone who could do it?