So great to hear from people here.
I guess I want to tell you how things are here, then, in Rome, as I asked, but I have not told.
Situation is so unreal because of the horrible news we hear on TV every day, and... we're all OK. I don't happen to know directly anyone who was directly hit by Covid19, which is supposedly quite something in the country that was hit first and hardest in Eu. But still...
Certainly Rome does not have many cases overall, and it is quite far from the places in the country that were hit worst.
I live in the metropolitan area of Rome. Rome is a city of 5 Million people, quite large physically, and plagued with quite bad traffic, in general. For years I've been telling my wife that it'd be a really amazing city if it only had 1/3 of its average traffic, and less pollution, and noise.
Fate loves irony.
Rome is quiet. Feels strange to even type and read it back.
It feels as if it is covered by a blanket of eerie beauty. I live in a mostly residential area in the north of the city, and my street is mostly desert, with the notable exception of delivery trucks. UPS, DHL, BRT, Poste, seem to be the only signs that a civilization is actually still operating, under that blanket of silence.
My wife and I both work from home. She had done it in the past, for years, so she's OK. I never did that in my life, and it is weird. We're lucky that our apartment is relatively big. And, we have a balcony. We step out, look around at the desert city. People sometimes waive their hands at you from their balconies and windows, which is nice.
We managed to buy food on-line, mostly, but we had to go to the local supermarket three times, because in one case our grocery could be delivered only after 3 weeks (!) since the order was placed.
And the birds. I never heard so many birds chirping and singing in the city, and I live near a fairly large city park. Nature does seem to slowly take over the city, and it would be beautiful if we did not know the reason for that.
I suppose the idea a lot of the world has of Italy, these days, is much worse than it actually is for most people, that is the many lucky ones like us who are not in the most heavily hit parts of the country.
I too have a small "decontamination" area in my apt. entrance. We try to clean and sanitize anything that makes it into our home, for what it is worth.
Our spirits are high, all considered. I suppose we appreciate how lucky we are, even though I think we both still feel the all situation is so unreal, so fiction-like. Maybe, by the time we fully realize and integrate what is happening, we may start to slowly go back to normal. I hope.
Funny thing, I have a group of college friends I used to meet, back in the day - 20 years ago, more or less -, for great LAN parties. Two of them were even Empeg owners!
We loved StarCraft.
It's 5 of us, and we live in 5 different parts of the country, all of us doing different jobs.
We kept in touch though the years, and we've had a Telegram chat for few years now. Following one of our trips on memory lane, in these Covid19 days, joking about the college times, we decided we should play StarCraft again, while confined, in the name of the old days.
And so we did. Three times! We laughed a lot. We eventually spent the $10 needed to upgrade to the remastered version of StarCraft 1, just to enjoy modern better monitors and graphics. And it was good to realize we never really fully grew up.
Don't tell them, they positively think they're responsible adults, haha.