Originally Posted By: Shonky
I'm confused too smile

I don't understand the double router bit.

Router A is the MoCA adaptor. Router B is a wifi+8 port router for the internal network AP. And there's the FW, which is also (I suppose) a router.

So I think my real question was what the heck do I do with all the routers? Router A gets turned into a bridge. And then since the FW has mostly the same services as Router B, (only for both the internal network and the DMZ), is there anything left for Router B to do? Or, because the FW has access to the DMZ, do I keep it from providing services to the internal network, and let Router B do that?

modem (bridge) goes to opnsense WAN
opnsense LAN interface goes to your LAN switch
opnsense DMZ interface goes to your DMZ machine
Wifi is just in AP mode on LAN segment.

So you run two separate DHCP ranges - one on each of the LAN and DMZ interfaces. Then just route what you want between DMZ and LAN on opnsense

Sweet. That's where I ended up last night. (Except for the part about the DMZ, because I haven't started working on that side of things, yet).

Thanks for the suggestions, everyone!