When your only tool is a hammer, everything looks like a nail. And since pretty much my only tool is Excel...

How about this: A simple Excel list in alphabetical order in column A, each of the "couple hundred" items. In column B is the formula for the price you charge. Column C is hidden (not printed) showing your cost for the item, and tucked away somewhere is a single cell containing the never changing division or multiplication factor you use to generate the price in column B.

Then on card stock print and laminate the list. You ought to be able to put three groups (6 columns) of items and prices on a single side of letter size paper. Use the largest font that will allow you to do that and get 50 rows on a page, and if you print double sided, on one sheet of paper you will have all the information your employee might need for up to 300 items with no math or electronic devices required.

As your costs per item change, update and reprint the spreadsheet, and if the never-changing "125" ever does change, you change that one cell and the whole sheet updates.

It ain't elegant or high tech, but that's how I'd do it.

"There Ain't No Such Thing As A Free Lunch"