Ok, i am desperate as hell for my empeg. I really cant wait too much longer. I am starting school soon and i would love to show off my empeg!! But my que is in the low 5000. So, here is the deal. Some of you may not have your money handy right now and have a pretty low que number. So, here is what im offering. I will trade my que with your que, giving you more time to decide if you want to buy an empeg, or posssibly give you more time to gather some money. Here comes the good part, if you have a somewhat good que to trade i will offer money for you to trade with mine. Now, for you out thier who are planning on just getting furious on me, listen, yes its not fair, but life isnt fair and if you have the money, why not persuade people with it. And why should i think im so special? well i thought of this idea first, or a least to put it out to the public. So let me know what you guys think if you sound interested, if you prefer a private conversation then e-mail me at duranike@earthlink.net

1st Original Mark I Owner in California: Serial Number 27.