Ah, good. For the uninitiated, the internal code name of the HSX-109 was "Jupiter". The Rio Receiver was "Mercury". There are other internal codes named after planets in the solar system. Dunno what they'll do when they run out of planets, move on to moons I suppose.
There's a great story related to this, I've been itching to tell:
When Rob adds a new product code to the internal bugbase, if he forgets to set the permissions on the product right away, some of us alpha team people might see its code name in the pull-down list until he catches on.
Recently, Rob added an internal project name (another planet name) to the bugbase, one which I'm not allowed to see. When I saw it in the list, I ICQ'd him and said, "Hey, so how's that <<planet_name>> project coming along?". He comes back surprised and alarmed, "How do you know about that?!", and I replied, "I didn't, I just tried a random planet name and you fell for it."