Okay, if you're running beta7, then the new feature of v82 won't work yet.. I'll fix it for v83, I hope.
Meanwhile, I need beta testers for another new feature: init sequences.
On my server (
http://rtr.ca/empeg/testing/) is a v82.5 ("restore visuals" still broken for beta7), which includes a first cut at "initial button press sequences" for car/home.
Syntax is the same as for regular IR translations, except that the "old" button is given as "initial" instead of an actual button code, as in:
Also new in v82.5 are the ".C" (Car) and ".H" (Home) qualifiers for translations, valid only on the left of the equal sign. These can be used with regular translations, as well as with the "initial", as in:
Or even more complex:
initial.CR=xxxxxx,xxxxxxx ; only if in-car with radio active
initial=xxxxxxx,xxxxx ; all other times
One restriction: only a single "car" and a single "home" initial string can be specified.. if more than one is found, only the last one is used.
Somebody please try this out and get back to me (email) at mlord@pobox.com
I have not even tried it myself yet.. no time.