We see snow usually every year. It sticks to the tune of a few inches about every other year. We get something in the neighborhood of a foot about every five years. So it wouldn't be that bad except people cannot drive to begin with (I haven't seen any death reports -- I can only assume they were traffic-related). And I don't know how bad it is elsewhere, but I'm pretty sure that a full 50% of the cars on the road are SUVs. And I don't mean something real like an old Toyota LandCruiser or a real Range Rover. I'm talking soccer-mom Ford Excursions with underinflated tires in two-wheel-drive mode because they don't even know they're not in four-wheel-drive mode, assuming they even know what that means.

But at least you get outrageous humidity in the summer. (And I was born in Raleigh. I get to complain, unlike you damn Yankees that came down here in the eighties.)
Bitt Faulk