rtundo: should I take a loss or just throw it on ebay and see what I can recoupe?

I'd say that you/we are going to take a loss no matter how you slice it. If SB couldn't sell the 10GB units for $699 (except to some of us!) why should we be able to? Oh, I suppose you could wait a year or two and maybe find the last, desperate Empeg seeker who might pay a premium, but that seems like a waste of time, Empegs, and energy.

So, the question seems not "if" but "how much" (of a loss)? mlord's pricing seems realistic -- half off.

Fedex arrived today with my 60GB (it works!!). While at my mail drop, I asked the staff to calculate how much it would cost to Fedex what I had just received to Europe (I picked France). They quoted me $174 for both Empeg and tuner, $118 for the Empeg alone, and $61 for the tuner alone. Ouch! UPS was only marginally cheaper. So, it looks like selling to o'seas could be much more expensive. Can anyone recommend a much cheaper (but reliable, trackable and insurable!) delivery method?

Based on those delivery costs, I really *do* wish there was someone I could sell my 10GB to in Paris/Provence next week, even allowing for the aggravation of hand carrying it. Otherwise, the shipping costs could be a showstopper for non-U.S. buyers (unless I dropped the price to the point that it is hardly worth selling at all)

Ah, well, I'll probably list the 10GB and tuner together when I get back on the 21st. I'd also sell the 10GB separately if someone wants just that. Then I could sell the tuner alone; shipping for that alone might be worthwhile for someone outside the U.S. (I've had one inquiry already and I'll keep track of anyone else who inquires)

I've had some good luck buying some odds and ends through eBay, but don't have much an interest in selling there. This BBS is it.

'Tis the exceptional fellow who lies awake at night thinking of his successes.