Hi all, I am the guy from Italy as in hybrid8' post.

(BTW: I want two units because one is for my friend Massimo)

I've asked him this big favor because I discovered too late the price reduction. I'm a Neo35 owner for few months and when I see the new incredible price I don't trust to my eyes

Unluckily the International store ran out of stock very soon; I'm in a waiting list for one 10gb when it comes available, but it isn't for sure. Now, since last days of december, I follow this BBS and I understand the great value of the empeg (if I know all these info before, I never bought the neo...), so I can't take the risk to not have one! I asked hybrid8 because I followed his passage from Neo to empeg on the neo BBS and he is the only name I found 'familiar'.

He is a very kindly person, he don't waste time and ordered it for me in no time! I don't talk of this in the BBS before because I don't want other guys pursuing and bothering him to do the same with them...
I can assure that no one (or perhaps a very little percentage) of italians will did the same (without offending anyone, of course), including myself (before). I always know that american people are something "advanced" even in personal relation, and now I feel as an american, like a new guy. It may sound a little exaggerated (perhaps it depends in my poor english ), but you should understand.

Now for bigger safety, I will try to order two 10gb units from carplayer.com: it is 100$ more than the discount price, but I really want one of these incredible toy. In case I'll get all units (two from Hybrid8 and two from carplayer) I will sell the two in surplus for only the costs I will pay (units, taxes and shipping) hopefully to some European guys who have my same problems.

I think this is the spirit of this community, and as I consider me a part of this (even if a newbie!) I will act like this.

Thanks to all, especially to Hybrid8