" in my car though (a 2000 Eclipse) "



You really need to check this site out if you own an Eclipse.

I'm thinking of doing the same thing. Everything stated above is correct - it will be tough changing the stock orange to anything else besides red, because of the tint on the gauge faces themselves. Blue lights would look like mud. However, red bulbs might match the red empeg faceplate perfectly, I understand it has an orange tint to it as well. You could do it with one or two bulbs to find out. I do think that the "amber" faceplate should be called "yellow" - I don't think it matched our dashes (I have a 2001 Eclipse) very well at all. I'm aiming for a red faceplate with some red dash bulbs installed, and hoping they look good together. If not, I give up!

Funny, I'm going to pull my dash apart and change bulbs just to match my new toy!