I'm new to empeg but not to mp3 audio, I started several years ago using biscuit board pc's for mp3 car audio. This guys been there a while, I've had a few personal experiences with this guy... I've watched him try to cash in on selling plans for MP3 players you could find anywhere online for free, gross markups of the Neo units.... If you go to his site you'll see he even charges for a receipt??? 75 cents if you want the receipt in email format and 1.75 if you want it on paper.... what kind of person charges you for a receipt? And I don't think 200 dollars more is reasonable at all... whats the point? Other than trying to sucker someone in to buying from him and hoping the other places run out of stock... it's just not cool... While I realize his business practices are legal, I do question the ethics. You can read several posts on this site in which he gets caught in a lie and backpedals. Sorry for the rant. Also his faceplate kit with shipping is close to 50 bucks thats almost twice what you'd pay anywhere else... so I'm anxiously waiting these things to go up on the empeg store.
Brett 60Gb MK2a with Led's