Okay, here are two sample files. One xml and one xslt. I've tested this in IE 5.01 SP2 (Win2k), and IE6 (Win2k). It should (theoretically) work on any IE 5.0+ browser. I haven't (and can't / won't) test on any other browser. I'd be very interested to hear if it does / does not work in any other modern browser. Let's say, a version that's been released in the last 3 years.
The XSLT spec used here is the "working draft" version, so, it's not the XSLT 1.0 spec. If I used the 1.0 XSLT spec, fewer browsers would support it. You'd have to make sure you had (if using MS) MSXML 3.0 running in replace mode (or running IE6).
Just place both of these files in the same directory, and open the xml file in your browser, and it should look exactly as it would appear in Hijack (as of v167).
I made the xml a shortened version of my actual empeg-car playlist. I put a couple of loose tracks in there, just to show how it would be handled. Now that this is done, you should be able to see how it would be very easy to change.
Also, other advantages of using XML would be the easy client-side sorting and filtering capabilities. This might be very useful if / when we get to "see" the soup lists. We'd also have to expose more info from the *1 files, such as genre
Comments and questions appreciated.
P.S. No making fun of my music, I have eclectic tastes.
64344-empegxslt.zip (20 downloads)