Has anyone yet assumed the mantle of "Con Chair" for this meeting yet?

Could you start another thread that brings us up to date on what is happening with this meeting?

Since I am not the one who will be organizing and putting on the meet, I don't think it's appropriate for me to start a new thread. If I did, people would think I was putting on the meet, and I'm not.

Unless everyone wanted to come to the Cattlemen's in Roseville. Then I'd put it on. I'm craving ribs now...

And on the subject of "Cattlemen's", I did a web search to discover that there's about a billion steak houses with that name all over the country. They are all completely different and not affiliated in any way. Some of them are chains (there seems to be more than one chain with that name), some are independent restaurants. Makes it hard to explain to someone what you're talking about.

The one I'm referring to is a specific chain of about half a dozen restaurants in No. Cal, including the Roseville and Petaluma locations.
Tony Fabris