Looking into the future - Philips should be bringing it's DVD recordable gizmo to market later this year - haven't heard the RIAA bitchin about this one too much either, funny that !Well, the RIAA are complaining about music piracy in all forms, not just on the internet. Their current focus is the internet because it's so rampant there.
As far as DVD and VHS piracy is concerned, it's not their field. They don't represent any movie companies, just record companies. So you shouldn't see them complaining about VCR or DVD recorders. (Discounting for a moment that both the DVD and VHS formats have the capability of recording extremely high quality music into their audio tracks.)
Oh, and the Philips DVD recorder, as I understand it, currently has no digital input capability, precisely because of these unresolved piracy issues.
Tony FabrisEmpeg #144