I'd have to agree that it is "kinda" funny... but I do see his point. Yeah, he generalizes and gets a little carried away, but having several family members who drive ambulances, I know he is not making THAT part of it up. I think it is mainly an age thing however. When I was 16, I didn't know any better and thought this was kinda cool. I couldn't afford anything except a worthless sub. Although I have to admit, even at that age, I always lowered the volume at stop lights and one of my biggest pet peeves to this day is a rattleing licence plate.
I'm more of a home audio guy and it will ruin my night if a ceiling tile is rattling during a scene in a movie!

The same goes for my car. If I am playing music so loud that part of my car is shaking, I gotta turn it down.
Oh yeah, OffTopic, but I hate that I've spent over $100 each on some patch cables, all this money for a clean amp, etc etc and I can hear my DVD players motor from across the room! :P