Bitt's right, the behaviour has changed. Though I'm not sure if it changed between b3 and b7 or b7 and b11. Add my vote to correct/change whatever needs to be changed to get back the previous (more friendly) behaviour. It used to mimick a CD. At end of list it stops by itself. If you press the NEXT button, it will never stop, but will just keep cycling through the tracks in your list.

I can see that someone might want to use this new "feature" to stop playback, but it's not as intuitive as just pressing the pause (or up) button.

I've used the Next button to purposefully start the list over without needing to fiddle with repeat. I've never used repeat on any CD player and I hadn't planned on starting with the empeg. Though I will admit I had never used Random with any CD player and I use it all the time on the empeg. Different beasts though.

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