Okay, here are the updated stylesheets to support the security features of the config.ini settings. If commands are disabled, the "Play" links won't show, and if files are disabled, the titles of tunes are not links to those files.
I have to update them one more time with the change for coding the playlist links correctly, based on the current stylesheet. Just waiting to see if Mark has any interest in making the value of the stylesheet attribute equal to the string between the "?" and the ".xml" of the http request.
It's not hard for me to deal with it the way that it is, it is another conditional I'll have to put in. I'll have to check for whether stylesheet="/default.xsl" or not and then make up my own link. Again, not a big deal, so if it's a pain to do it the other way, lemme know and I'll try to get this done tonight...but it is Friday night.
71930-empegxml.zip (27 downloads)