(This message being cross-posted to the BBS and to bugs@empeg.com)

Consumer beta 9: It seems to intermittently forget its EQ settings now when I'm swapping it between home and car. I programmed and saved settings in my car, brought it inside, programmed and saved settings inside, took it to the car, and preset showed all flat again. But when I took it inside, it had the inside presets still in its memory. Then I rebooted it again, and it forgot the home presets (everything shows flat now).

Also, when I first go into the EQ menu after a reboot, it displays the first preset with the wrong name ("1. Custom" instead of "1. Flat") even though I think it's actually at the second preset that I created ("2. Custom"). Because when I press the DNPP button it jumps from 1 to 3. When I scroll around to the first preset again, it correctly displays "1. Flat" and works OK from then on until the next reboot.

/me ponders whether to go back to 8c or not...

Tony Fabris