Unshuffle... And if you're in a mood playlist or any other subset of your collection which doesn't happen to contain all of the tracks from that album, in order? It "unshuffles" that playlist instead of playing the album.
Anyone who thinks unshuffle is an ideal way to do this must do nothing but listen to their entire root playlist. If that were the only legitimate way to listen to tracks, why not save on the overhead of having searches, tweak buttons, etc. in the first place?
I know that Oli was mainly talking about compilations but my scenario and his would both be addressed by this suggestion. Can you please comment on the feature suggestion itself instead of my admittedly hastily thrown together hypothetical scenario? And try to remember that not everyone goes "down down down" to play their music.
The great thing about the Empeg is that you can kind of drift in between different groupings of music at a whim, and I think the feature I'm describing would add another level to this. Unless you're shuffling your entire collection, you have no duplicate album names, and you have no compilation albums, tweak by source is useless.