Any assistance would be great... even in the form of pointers as to where I should look to read bytes from the tuner (and checking whether my writing to the tuner code makes sense)
Currently I am running a 2.00beta3 distribution with a v62 hijack kernel patched to boot from /dev/hda5 instead of /dev/hda3 and with an added ioctl to set the dc_power flag from user space.
My hda5 partition is a copy of the 2.00beta hda3 partition with a modified init that checks for the presence of the tuner (from usespace talking to /dev/ttyS0) and calling the ioctl to force dc when in the car. This works fine however it means every time there is a new release of your hijack kernel I need to repatch and build my own version of the kernel to test it (not a problem but it means I don't stay as up to date like recently...) but more time consuming is when a new player dist comes out which requires me rebuilding my hda5 partition to match it... Hence I am still back at 2.00beta3 and hijack v62 as work has swamped me to the point I haven't managed to get time to build the kernels and partitions.
Moving the tuner detect to the kernel will save me having to use userspace code and ioctls to work around the hardware fault and mean I don't need to boot from a modified root partition and so can stay current with the player releases more easily... building new kernels is less of a hassle so if I still need to maintain my own patches that isn't a problem (though it will mean I will probably lag behind the bleeding edge hijack kernels a bit)
I am happy to try and work out the code myself if I can get some pointers, but so far have hit a brick wall hunting for example code on talking to serial devices from within the kernel as it is usually something that is done from userspace (unless it is an IR dongle or a suchlike... but then the code is obfuscated by the IR wrappers etc...)
As for not being able to put flags in config.ini, does that mean the player software reads the /proc/empeg_power stuff to work out whether it is in the car or not before it reads config.ini?
Anyway thanks for any help you might point my way... it would be nice to catch up to the hijack kernels that will give me easy ftp access to start playing with my GPS again...
(Sorry for the long winded post *grin*)