The only thing I haven't put too much into is the showing off of installs and I have decided to put off the hotel arrangements until I have a better idea of the participation level.

I know that there is a parking lot accross the street from Jillian's. I am going to see if there is a way to get them to let us use the lot for an hour or two. That way there, people can show up at say 3pm and just park right accross the street. We can all hang out for an hour, wait for everyone to show (there'll be straggler's) and go outside to show off the installs. After that's over, everyone could just move their car into one of the garages nearby, there are 3 that I know of within 1 block of the complex.
Not sure If I am dreaming here, but that would be ideal. If that's a no go, I'll see if maybe one of the parking garages will let us use their space, then no one would have to move their car. The garages might be a better option in the event of incliment weather.

Once we finish the install display thing, (those who have prepaid for) games, pool, dinner, etc. can go back in and those who did not can (pick up their shirts, hats and keychains and) leave. People can stay at Jillian's for the duration, for some of us, it might be a longer night than others (robricc you might even out the non-drinkers, but I'll see you sir, at the bar)
Later, those that want to stay at the hotel can and those that don't, won't.

Maybe 15 peopole have expressed interest in this Owners Meet and for this to work, we'll need (just about) double that. I am thinking it will be sometime in early May to give people plenty of advanced notice. I need to give Jillian's 3 weeks notice and in May the weather will only be getting better, so maybe 4 weeks notice would be a safer bet.
That gives us the rest of March to finalize the roster.

If you want to go to this meet, email me :
In your message, please include :
  • Your Name,
  • Your Total Number Of Guests (including youself)
  • Whether or not you plan to prepay (required) to attend the event at Jillians
  • Whether or not you think you might stay at a hotel
I'll keep the running number of planned participants along with other Boston Empeg Owner's Meet Information on this page :

Everyone will be expected to prepay for the event at Jillian's. Earlier in this thread, I threw around the $50 per person number. This could climb to $75 per person (at most, anything more than that I think would be too much) but would include drink tokens, parking, flying in an empeg team member or two and possibly a party favour like a (free) keychain or hat, not sure on that, yet. I will need to talk to Jillian's some more. I was hoping Jillian's would let people call in with cedit cards, but people are going to have to send me a check or money order. More participation will also drive down cost, so If you have one of these things and you are even close to Boston, come on down.

As far as Shirts, Hats, Keychains, Mousepads & Frisbies...
Anyone want to help me with that?

Empeg team, anyone want to come to our meet?
I have suggested and others have seconded that we would help with travel arrangements.
An official atendee would certainly increase participation.
Still awaiting official response.

That's all for now.
__________ davecosta Hijacked 60GB MKIIa 2.0b13