(not to stir this all up again)
I don't think that anybody did any thing wrong by sticking up for Mark and letting him know that 99.9999% of us appreciate what he is doing for everyone. Bruno, you are honestly and sincerely one of my favorite members on this board. You have helped me out in many ways. Whether it be through PM'ing me tips or just general "informative" posts that I've read and re-read. And you've had me cracking up and the seams with a joke or two.

However, in the last few weeks it seemed you were coming across a little harsh at times. Some people thought you were going beyond speaking your mind and instead thought you were picking fights on every topic from cars, game controllers, mp3 software, user interfaces, the English language, fonts, etc, etc. I didn't pipe in like some of the others because I figured at the very least I was not doing a good job of translating text on my screne as good natured humor - or possibly that some outside force in your life had you being "not quite yourself." It's not any of my business and I never bothered posting about it because I knew that you are a good guy. But please don't partially blame it on Mark "having a long day" or get upset for people sticking up for him. Yeah, a few of the post went a touch too far and it seemed a post or two was writen without having read all of the thread. Or maybe you too it too much to heart.

Besides, you and I and bunch of others jumped right in the second we thought that some of the new "closeout prices" members were being ungreatful to the empeg team.

In the end, I just followed the lead of Tony and others and just kept my mouth shut - which is _maybe_ what I should be doing now....
(something slightly less protective than a flame suit on)