I shoulda went with 98 again...

Ack. I wasn't keying into the fact that you are running XP. I doubt that I will ever have any in-depth knowledge about XP, but is there any possibility that there's a conflict b/w VW5 and XP's built-in vid cap capability??

WRT 98, it seems like if a downgrade is in order, your prospects might be better on Win2K.

Ah, and seeing the post about Vegas Video, I do have to add that my selection criteria were limited to packages that cost about $200-$250 less than VV's $400+ price! My limited skills don't justify spending more. If I really wanted to spend serious money on this, it wouldn't be on packages to run under Windows.

(Edit: toubleshooting idea: See if you can borrow a generic PCI 1394 card. Bypass the Audigy and see if it makes a difference.)


Edited by jimhogan (06/03/2002 13:36)

'Tis the exceptional fellow who lies awake at night thinking of his successes.