I recently acquired a Mk2a (010101226) and tried to upgrade the code from
1.02(?) as shipped. Now the unit won't boot. Here's what happened:

$ wget http://www.empeg.com/downloads/download.c
14:15:21 (49.79 KB/s) - `download.c' saved [12389/12389]
$ wget http://www.empeg.com/downloads/car2-consumer-v2.00-beta11.upgrade
14:16:02 (133.29 KB/s) - `car2-consumer-v2.00-beta11.upgrade' saved [2905412/290
$ make download
$ ./download car2-consumer-v2.00-beta11.upgrade 10000
Turn on empeg unit now
found empeg unit: entering program mode
manufacturer=0089, product=88c1
waiting for prompt
starting erase [ 33%
erasepage(100000) got code 1a2

This happens repeatably, and with all versions I have tried (2.0b11
developer and consumer, 1.03). Now the unit won't boot. I looked at
the serial console:

$ cu -l /dev/ttyS0

empeg-car bootstrap v1.02 20001106 (hugo@empeg.com)
If there is anyone present who wants to upgrade the flash, let them speak now,
or forever hold their peace...it seems not. Let fly the Penguins of Linux!

e000 v1.03
Copying kernel...
Calling linux kernel...
(undefined instruction vector)

The only similar report I can find is
but I have the latest download.c

Any ideas?
http://ro.nu/ Robin O'Leary