So awesome. I so want to see them on the Peg, especially Tony's risky effort

. I am using Hijack v246, Jemplode v32. I generally use the exe, thought I've tried the straight .jar. I am using J2re 1.4.0.
When i try and use the animation editor to download or upload an image, I get the message saying : use v242 or higher, hijack when possible, connect via ethernet.
The hijack when poss is ticked, I have no problems synching or using anything with jemplode over ethernet. So I meet the criteria, near as I can tell but still get the message. I have tried moving back and forth jemplode versions, and hijack versions, and checked my config.ini for funnies.... still no go. Since no one else seems to be having this problem, something must be different...
Any thoughts?