Post to one of the font newsgroups and you are sure to get a suggestion for the best match TTF/Type1/OT font. Then getting your hands on the font can be either 1. tricky or 2. easy. It all "depends"
BTW, rotating the "e" on a large number of faces will produce similar results to the example using Futura. I have a couple of Adobe font books here, but I've never bothered to look for a matching font (Rob sent me the logo eps files a long time ago, so I didn't bother finding a close-match font - and it saved me the trouble of reproducing it myself (easy but time consuming)

Oh, I also vote for the flat empeg-button design. The other images have too many flaws. The Tux variations are monochromatic, aren't really original art and aren't very representative of the empeg. The shot of the actual unit is pretty much a scaled and rotated image from the stock product shots on the web. Won't make a very nice icon on most platforms. It would probably look pretty nice on Mac OS X though.
The buttons could have a nice J in there somewhere. Styled into the bottom button or incorporated into the background or foreground.