I asked about push-for-bass/treble controls and Hugo said it hadn't been implemented even though it's possible to do so in the DSP. I briefly and gently made my case for adding such a feature, but didn't harass him about it.

Yes - would be cool to be able to select bass/treble with this new knob - as long as there's no voice recognition available. I hope you can then "tell" the empeg how to adjust bass/treble ;-)

Then he showed us a web site with a special kind of third-party microphone designed for in-car voice recognition. This nifty mic is mounted on your car's sun visor, and it's actually four mics arranged into a rod that extends across the edge of the visor. It includes its own DSP circuitry to reject noise and improve voice recognition. Unfortunately, the mic is not cheap: it's about $150.00.
Will thic mic be delivered with the Mk2 or do you have to purchase it on extra-cost?
Is it available at the same time as the Mk2 will ship or will it have to be ordered later?


[orange]Mk2, # 080000143, 40+30 GB, Tuner, Peugeot stalk hookup</font color=orange>