I'm trying to integrate all of the various the audio/video components throughout my apartment, including PC's, etc. One of my biggest problems right now is that I have two universal remotes to control six or seven different things (two TV's, a digital cable box, VCR's, etc.) Furthermore, and perhaps more importantly, for video capturing and/or displaying my PC's output (located in the bedroom) on my TV in the living room, I find the need to send remote commands to devices located in the "other room."
I've seen various remote extenders which either reflect the IR signals or translate them into some other kind of radio frequency. But I know nothing about these devices, have on experience with them, etc. Here are my requirements:
1. I need it to work both ways. That is, I need to be able to send commands to components located in my living room while I'm in my bedroom, and vice versa.
2. The distance being covered isn't all that phenomenal, it's just a 2BR apartment. No going up/down stairs or anything.
3. I need it to support an arbitrary number of remotes. I'm still in search of some universal remotes which do everything I want them to do, right now I have it narrowed down to one universal in the living room and one universal in the bedroom.
4. I'm also considering adding some kind of IR remote to my PC, but the ones I've seen stink. Anyone have any good experiences on that front? (For WinAMP, DVD programs, etc.)
I don't want to spend more then $50-$60 on a remote extender package if I can avoid it. Any suggestions?