I have had quite a bit of experience (on ebay and through other venues) of buying merchandise from strangers, and I have found that the great majority of people are honest, honorable, and well-intentioned.

This does not mean that they are competent, but the person who will actually, intentionally defraud you is extremely rare.

I would suggest that patience and friendly communication are your best allies here. My guess is that the seller really does not understand the nervousness and urgency you are experiencing, and just "hasn't got around to" shipping your player in the timely fashion you are expecting.

The closest I have ever come to being "scammed" on a blind purchase was for some wheels for my ShoWagon. The seller thought he had them, turned out he couldn't deliver, and was so embarassed about it he didn't want to talk to me. When I convinced him I wasn't angry or upset, and that I had obtained the wheels from another source and no longer needed his, he refunded my money plus a little extra for my trouble. Throughout the entire three month experience, I was never seriously concerned abut getting "taken" -- I knew we would resolve it eventually.

I have found that by being very trusting right up front, people respond by wanting to justify my faith in their integrity.

I will be very surprised if this whole situation has not been settled to your satisfaction in the next ten days.

"There Ain't No Such Thing As A Free Lunch"