Hey thanks for the tips. I changed it up quite a bt. It works in Netscape 6 without errors or anything but I haven't gotten a couple of things to work right in Netscape yet. But it works perfect in IE.

I fixed the popup thing so you can now open up as many popups as you like, or 256 rather since there are 256 colors on each page (the popups don't work in Netscape yet). And now the color code is displayed when you onMouseOver a color instead of having each color code written on each color. I think it looks much better like this (although, I haven't gotten this to work in Netscape yet either). And eventually I'll probably make some more color charts.

And I'm just curious, is there good money to be made with advertising, assuming I had my own domain name and stuff and assuming I had a decent amount of hits? Say like if I had one banner ad on each page? Anyone?

Edited by Yz33d (01/06/2002 14:57)