I played with the Replay a while and here is what I like about it:
Commercial advance it works and is very cool. It worked almost every time and for the times it doesn't there is still the 30 sec skip button.
Fast. The menus are very fast compared to the ungodly slow ones the tivo has.
IR blaster. The IR blaster the replay comes with is the kind that sticks right in front of the sensor as opposed the the tivo one that sticks to the top of the box and would fall off (for me at least)
Photo viewer. The replay comes with a photo viewer yeah I know I can the tivo HMO for 80 dollars and get one but I don't want any of the other stuff it comes with.
DVarchive. DVarchive is great it works with no hacking on the replay and you can download the shows off the replay easily.
It's always recording something. The tivo would have to sit for some period of time before trying to record a suggestion so it would not be recording of long periods.
Now here is what I don't like.
I want a dvr so I always have something I like to watch available and so I can see the shows I really want at when I want.
The problem I have with the replay is you can set it to record a show every time it's on but only at a specific time so if I use that method I have to keep track of when shows are on. The other way to do it is to make a theme channel and you can tell it to keep however many hours of the show you want and how long to keep it sounds great. The problem I have is with this method is I also want the dvr to record show that I may like but didn't specifically tell it to (yes I want it to read my mind

). The replay has a method to do this called replay zones. They have zones for tons of themes I like cartoons so I made a cartoon one well there is no way to tell it what not to record so I get many shows I like but I get more that I don't. Also it would keeping recording shows for the zone instead of the theme channels no matter what order I made them in.
The remote. The size and shape is ok but I have to have it pointed directly at the replay for it to work the tivo one would work pointed about anywhere.