Thanks for that information Hugo it was most informative....
Now to follow up on some minor points:
In reply to:
The protocol is nothing special, variable length commands and fixed length responses (as the tuner doesn't have a lot to say - just things like antenna compensation curves, sony stalk commands & that sort of thing).
Does this mean that the forthcoming Tuner module will have a socket that I can plug a Sony RM-X4S [or similar] wired remote into and thus control my EMPEG/Rio via this interface?
If so good thinking, guys, you read my mind.
I really like the sound of that if thats what you mean - but I have a question about how customisable the Sony Stalk button assignments will be.
When you say '& that sort of thing' any other surprises up your sleeves with this Tuner module?
(such as an interface to the Inbuilt GPS unit or the Optional 'Take em out' (TM) Target Acquisition Head Up Display and front grill mounted 20mm cannon that uses/requires the Stun/Kill (TM) remote control button.

Also of note:
In reply to:
Tuner control is over a TTL RS232 link, bidirectionally. The tuner runs the interface at 19200bps, but the port will run up to 230400bps as with other serial ports. It's ttyS1.
Does this bit mean that those of us that would like a second serial port/interface into the EMPEG could commandeer the tuner control signal interface link for the Tuner module and use as a either a unidirectional or bidirectional
TTL Level Serial port then?
Which would generally require a MAX232 or similar level shifter to be able to interface (safely) real world serial ports to it.
And of course, no one takes any responsibility if you blow up your EMPEG using it this way right?
Thanks for the reply, most interesting.
I was planning on getting the tuner modules for my EMPEGs anyway, but now I suspect the Sony stick interface might just be a killer feature that makes it a must have for everyone else.
In which case I want my order for 4 tuner modules placed at the top of the queue right now.
- Greg
Owner of MK2 empegs serial #s 402 & 407
both blue screens.