Andy, remember that the Tweak Order functions are only useful when:
1) You have a lot of tracks on the Empeg (hundreds of albums or more).
2) All of those tracks have their fields filled out correctly (Artist, Album, Year, Genre, etc.)
3) You are in shuffle mode with a very large playlist that contains a mixture of the above mentioned things (a multitude of artists, for example).
4) You're not too close to the end of that playlist.
Then, when you press one of the buttons, it searches the REMAINDER of the current playlist for a match. For example, if you press 2, it searches the shuffled playlist for more entries by that artist.
In the above scenario, Tweak Order can fail if:
- you're near the end of the playlist, and there aren't any more songs by that artist left.
- the artist field isn't filled out, or there are typos in it.
- the playlist isn' big enough to have additional examples of that artist.
Tony Fabris