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#367976 - 02/12/2016 23:55 Re: Gamergate [Re: tonyc]
carpal tunnel

Registered: 27/06/1999
Posts: 7058
Loc: Pittsburgh, PA
If it helps set the bar for comparison, here is a site that's collecting documented incidents of hate attacks since the election. Click on each state and you'll see links to news articles substantiating the claims. These go far beyond the scale and scope of being falsely accused of bigotry, which is certainly not okay, but is not at all equal to being the target of actual bigotry, intimidation, and in many cases, physical attacks.

If we expand the threshold of evidence from "credible, vetted claim backed by a supporting news report" to "plausible claim reported online to an organization that tracks hate groups", the number jumps from 122 to 867. Notably, as the PDF points out, this does not include any instances of online-only harassment such as emails and tweets -- the claims have to be related to a physical attack, property defacement, or some other physical evidence. Including email and Twitter in these numbers would of course cause these numbers to grow by orders of magnitude.
- Tony C
my empeg stuff

#367985 - 05/12/2016 12:42 Re: Gamergate [Re: tfabris]

Registered: 25/04/2000
Posts: 1525
Loc: Arizona
Originally Posted By: tfabris
From the articles I read (the articles from reputable news sources as opposed to just conservative sites), these electors are getting letters, emails and phone calls, asking them to exercise their right and duty in this electoral democracy, to refuse to elect someone who is unqualified for the office.
It is from the AZ Republic (the paper that received death threats for endorsing Hillary).
"Ash declined to share any of the emails but described them: "They demonize me, they call me a homophobic, an isolationist, a bigot, a misogynist, and an anti-Semite, which is interesting because I'm Jewish."
How about CNN?
You are right, you can call or write to electors, but death threats are not normally part of the deal.
Another bastion of conservatism reporting on a house being vandalized, The Washington Post? This one probably only made national news because of the swastika.

#367991 - 05/12/2016 19:27 Re: Gamergate [Re: tonyc]
carpal tunnel

Registered: 20/12/1999
Posts: 31592
Loc: Seattle, WA
A death threat against an elector is a problem. I'm glad that Michael Banerian filed a police report, and I hope the police investigate it, and if they find someone who made death threats, prosecute them. Same goes for the people who had their house vandalized with a swastika. So, okay, good, now I've heard of some incidents, reported by reputable news sites.

I still get the feeling from these articles that they are reporting temporary, isolated incidents which are based around current events. I don't think these are equivalent to what the Guardian article was talking about. I still think it's a false equivalency.

The incidents you cited are clearly reactionary. Most people who want to convince an elector will look up the names and contact information for the electors, and then write or call them once. The people who got their house spray painted have probably never had it happen before, and probably won't have it happen again.

That's different from the long-term, nonstop, cold, calculated, systematic harassment and suppression that minorities, women and LGBTQ people have faced in the past and are going to face in the coming years, even after all of this furor surrounding the election has settled down.

The recent "pizzagate" thing is another example of precisely the thing which the Guardian article was warning about: - It takes only a single well-placed lie, repeated enough times on social media, to cause serious problems for someone in real life. People in minority groups are the target of this kind of thing now, and are going to continue to be the target of this kind of thing for the foreseeable future. Though the pizzagate thing could be viewed by some as a single isolated incident as well, the method, content, and target of the attack is something we will be seeing repeated systematically in upcoming days, months, and years. We need to learn how to fight back against this kind of thing.
Tony Fabris

#368044 - 12/12/2016 19:10 Re: Gamergate [Re: tanstaafl.]
carpal tunnel

Registered: 29/08/2000
Posts: 14489
Loc: Canada

#368161 - 04/01/2017 04:53 Re: Gamergate [Re: DWallach]
carpal tunnel

Registered: 08/06/1999
Posts: 7868
Originally Posted By: DWallach
what we're seeing is an abuse of the Internet's ability to allow you to hide behind a pseudonym.

This part of the discussion popped back into my mind today, when I came across this published today: . It's a much deeper sourced article that has many of the bits and pieces I've seen about this topic over the past 2 years that debunks the anonymous factor of online spaces, including where the myth started back in the 80s.

A shorter tl'dr version (point 5 in the link), along with other common myths about online abuse is here:

Anil Dash's twitter account is where I saw these links today, and overall he's been a great person to follow and read.

#368279 - 02/02/2017 16:41 Re: Gamergate [Re: tonyc]
carpal tunnel

Registered: 08/06/1999
Posts: 7868
Huh, wonder why this is getting so much coverage and attention at high levels.

Yet no mention from 4 5 or those around him about the incident at a university in another state that borders the pacific ocean where a shooting happened, and also had a protest turn riot.

Very strange

#368324 - 06/02/2017 16:23 Re: Gamergate [Re: drakino]

Registered: 25/04/2000
Posts: 1525
Loc: Arizona
The Guardian (and the Daily Mail, whatever that is worth) covered that one, as well as domestically.

#368579 - 06/04/2017 05:39 Re: Gamergate [Re: tonyc]
carpal tunnel

Registered: 08/06/1999
Posts: 7868
Crash Override, preorder this book.

Amazon or Barnes and Noble or iBooks

#368633 - 16/04/2017 00:55 Re: Gamergate [Re: drakino]
carpal tunnel

Registered: 08/06/1999
Posts: 7868
Originally Posted By: drakino
Huh, wonder why this is getting so much coverage and attention at high levels.

Yet no mention from 4 5 or those around him about the incident at a university in another state that borders the pacific ocean where a shooting happened, and also had a protest turn riot.

Very strange

Today Seattle had 2 massive rallies, with the later one stretching more then 12 blocks downtown. And massive rallies in a ton of other cities across the nation.

It took the alt-right flying in support to Berkeley for them to have just one victory today, complete with nazi salutes. This after their defeat in February. They knew Seattle wasn't going to be a place they could win even with the stunt at the end of January at the UW campus.

All while 45 ran away to golf again, and his alt-right advisor who had a major part in Gamergate is falling from grace.


Justice does eventually happen.

#368961 - 28/06/2017 16:12 Re: Gamergate [Re: Cris]
carpal tunnel

Registered: 08/06/1999
Posts: 7868
Originally Posted By: Cris
Then I remembered where I had heard about this stuff in the past, on this guys channel...

So I went to watch a couple of videos there. Then I decided this issue seems to be one of those classic internet discussions that just wouldn't happen face to face and decided to leave it there.

Justice still hasn't come for everyone involved, and this situation remains a problem with garbage humans still harassing these folks. Why would they stop when they are literially making their living from terrorizing people and finding folks who enjoy supporting the terror?

#368962 - 28/06/2017 20:20 Re: Gamergate [Re: tonyc]
carpal tunnel

Registered: 08/03/2000
Posts: 12333
Loc: Sterling, VA
Oh man, that made me sick. The part that was especially disturbing was the fact that this "garbage human" (so true) has 600K subscribers and makes a tremendous amount of money off his toxic waste.

It continually boggles my mind how so many men can have this reaction. First, Feminist Frequency is a great series. It's well produced, makes great points, and simply aims to be a commentary. Naturally, the end goal is to make the games industry aware of these issues and try to get them to change. But we all know they're not going to change. At least not anytime soon. There will still be Call of Duty 37 and Madden 2025. But wouldn't it be nice to have some great female protagonists and maybe more games that don't exploit women?

The harassment is, of course, the worst part of this. But what bothers me second most is the usual hypocrisy. These a-holes who threaten women for daring to speak their minds are the same ones who continuously whine on and on about being the truly censored group. Somehow, sending bomb threats to keep Sarkeesian from speaking isn't censorship, but campus protests are.

I can't imagine what life is like for these women. Just thinking about what they face makes me ill and also reminds me of my white male privilege. Of course, that's the case more and more often these days. How wonderful that the biggest d-bags are now emboldened by our country's president who sexually harassed a reporter in the oval office this week. Great. Just great. Everything is wonderful.

#368963 - 28/06/2017 20:23 Re: Gamergate [Re: tonyc]
carpal tunnel

Registered: 08/03/2000
Posts: 12333
Loc: Sterling, VA
Also this is one of the least convincing defenses I've ever heard:

"Benjamin often points out that he asks his followers not to harass the subjects of his videos."

Oh yeah, sure. "Hey all you irrationally angry men, look at this woman doing and saying things that we hate. Doesn't she really suck? Don't you just hate her? Make sure you DON'T harass her or dox her or threaten her."

And now I'm saddened by Youtube's abuse policies...

#369090 - 11/08/2017 05:08 Re: Gamergate [Re: tonyc]
carpal tunnel

Registered: 08/06/1999
Posts: 7868

As @Adora on Twitter put it "Gamergate is coming for tech."

For anyone working in tech, the resource below may be worth forwarding onto your HR department.

And I'm still not quite over the fact that Bannon used Goldman Sachs money for gold farming in World of Warcraft, and from there learned he could harness internet gamers as political power. Gamergate was the trial run.

Life has been rather strange being close to all of this, and now realizing for how long. Even pre GG, I had studied gold farming quite a bit and the security issues it caused for MMOs.

#369287 - 09/09/2017 23:12 Re: Gamergate [Re: tonyc]
carpal tunnel

Registered: 08/06/1999
Posts: 7868
Huh, Throwback Thursday is sure getting strange, odd to see GG return to it’s initial false pretense about ethics in game journalism.

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