The following is from an email I just sent to the empeg support email address. I was just wondering if anyone else has heard of similar problems with their Mark 2 player. I thought perhaps it *might* have something to do with the cold weather here in New Jersey (I saw a thread from someone else here with concerns about the cold), but given the complete lack of any posts about anything like this happening, I'm thinking it's probably not a weather thing.
My empeg-car has stopped working.

It was fine, then one day the display wouldn't come up normally and the unit doesn't seem to produce sound. I see nothing coherent on the display...only flashes of static. It looks like the player is freaking out. Also, it doesn't seem to respond to the controls at all. I can't get the display flickering to stop by trying to put the unit into sleep mode. When the power is off (that is, when it feels like being off, as I don't have any control over this) the power indicator light doesn't hold its normal pattern. It has a most unnatural flicker.

After this began, I couldn't connect to the unit with my PC and emplode software. I did, however, reload the consumer image upgrade and I can connect to the unit with emplode again (though the display is still messed up and I can't actually use the unit). If I try playing a tune from the emplode software on the player (through my home stereo) I don't hear any sound.

The player behaves exactly the same way in my home or in my car.

- Chris Orig. Empeg Queue position 2