I'm about to move out of my current apartment and am getting rid of a bunch of stuff.

I came across an IBM Thinkpad 560. 120MHz Pentium for sure. I am not definite on the hard drive or memory though. Hard drive is likely in the 800MB range. I upgraded the memory at one point and it may be over 64MB now. I know it works, but I didn't power it on last night because I was too occupied with throwing other junk out. The battery is 100% dead. It is currently running Windows98 (probably SE).

If anyone wants it, all you have to pay is shipping. I was planning on selling it on ebay, but the ebay fees would probably kill the deal and I'd rather not toss something someone else might want.

You can see pics of it here. Everything else on that page is also available at the moment for sale.

If you want the laptop please send me a PM. I rarely read the email address listed in my profile.
-Rob Riccardelli
80GB 16MB MK2 090000736