I recently got my site hosted instead of on my school's servers. Part of the reason I did so was that I could now have more freedom that would allow me to use the Gallery software that I'd had problems using before.

However, I've run into problems. The setup page gave me fewer problems than I had before, but one serious warning is where I've had my problems. It said it doesn't like PHP in safe mode.
So they say you can do two things:
1) ask the administrators to turn off safe mode or whatever.
-I asked, they won't.
2) configure PHP to run as a CGI by downloading some stuff, making a new .htaccess file and some directories.
-I tried, I can't create a new directory in the root. I also don't think I'd know how to make that htaccess file either.

So is there anything else I can do? I have to run this software. No other options are attractive to me, not even the one I made myself (which worked quite well, but just not easy).

Please help me!!!

Here is the official (and badly written) word from the tech guy:

"I'm sorry no, we will not be disabling safe mode on the server. Provided teh script was cleanly and sanely written, teh script is being installed properly, and permissions are set correctly there is no need to disable safe mode.

Safe mode is a security mechanism that protects both you and all of the other customers that share that server. I cannot remove that protection"

Edited by DiGNAN17 (30/05/2002 18:29)