So my mom's having some problems with her 1999 chevy blazer and the warranty's getting ready to run out (99,825 miles).

Two problems: the A/C is not cooling quite like it should, only on occasion, and there's a slight ticking noise coming from the engine when you are under easy acceleration (heavy acceleration drowns out the noise).

So I take it in to the shop this morning and await a phone call with a diagnosis of the problem. I finally received a call this afternoon telling me that the A/C checks out fine. Not a problem. They did tell me they hear the noise in the engine and it's not normal but they can't pinpoint where it's coming from or what it is. Basically, they are telling me that we can't find it so we can't fix it.

Can't find it, can't fix it. I understand that. But you're telling me you can hear a problem and know it's not normal and I have to deal with it?

Here's my beef: They know there's a slight problem now but can't pinpoint the problem. Warranty runs out in 175 miles and if something happens after that point we're SOL. So, 25-50,000 miles from now the engine dies b/c of this problem that hasn't been addressed, we have to eat it.

Anyone have any suggestions?

Already seeking a second opinion but is there anything else we can do?
"The difference between a successful person and others is not a lack of strength, not a lack of knowledge, but rather a lack of will." Vince Lombardi