Bank of America, bless their hearts, re-did their website and at the same time changed the format of the information I download with my credit card transactions. I have multi-year year history of my transactions that I keep in an Excel spreadsheet that is over 1,000 rows long now. The new format is incompatible with my existing data because they apparently decided that showing charges as positive numbers and credits as negative numbers was too confusing and they reversed them.

OK, it's not too difficult to add another column to my spreadsheet that contains new cells along the line of "=G1002*-1", but that leaves me with a column full of formulas, and I do other manipulations on the data such that I would prefer to have the actual value in the cell rather than the formula that creates the value.

The "Value" function doesn't do what I need, like: =value(G1002*-1) because it still leaves the formula in the cell, rather than just the actual value. I suppose I could go through the existing rows line by line and manually change the sign on each value and then just go with B of A's new format from now on, but I'd prefer to keep things the way they were.

I seem to recall a function in Excel to convert formulas in cells to the actual value created by the formula, but I can't find it, or perhaps I am thinking of some other program.

Does anybody know of such a function?

"There Ain't No Such Thing As A Free Lunch"