Anyone use Microsoft SCCM (System Center Configuration Manager) in their daily job? Uncle Google doesn't have this answer for me.

I'm using its features to push-distribute software installs to client systems on the network.

I create PACKAGE A, create a distribution, make an advertisement, and it starts on the target system.

But PACKAGE A has errors in the way it is distributed and it never actually installs. It also does not report back a failure, so it just “sticks” like it’s started installing and never finished. Client computer isn’t *doing* anything, the install program is not running. It's just that the logs show the installer started, but they don't show the installer exited.

I create PACKAGE B, create a distribution, make an advertisement, and…

Error 10037: The program for advertisement "PACKAGE B" has not been run yet ("NMW00016" - "KB974236 - Advanced Client Patch Install"). SMS is currently running another program ("PACKAGE A" - "Per-system unattended") on this computer, and that program must complete before this one can begin.

But it’s not actually running at all! It just messed up and didn’t report back its failure.

There are no options I can find to make it “skip” or “continue” past the malfunctioning advertisement. So I delete all advertisements and packages and distributions for PACKAGE A. I see that PACKAGE A is now gone from the list of advertisements on that client. Try everything again, and…

Same error!

How do I make SCCM just ignore that one advertisement and go on to the next one?

Tony Fabris