Not the shipping company. I've got this APC UPS. It's a small one, but it's only purpose is to supply power to a fancy X10 LCD control panel, so that when the power goes out, I don't have to reset the date and time. You may say that I'm just being lazy, but when the power goes out literally every single day, it's tedious to set the information on this thing.

Anyway, the problem with the UPS is one of its "features." Whenever the power goes out for more than just a blip, it sounds off a LOUD beep every 10 seconds to let you know that the power is out, presumably so you can shut off your computer or whatever.

So there lies the problem. I do not want this damn beeping. When it's silent at 2AM and suddenly you hear this horrible beeping noise from downstairs, it's quite annoying. Unfortunately, I can't find any information on how/if you can turn it off. Any ideas? In our area, either the power is out for under one minute or for hours. Either way, the beeping is not needed for a tiny LCD that must be able to last for several hours even on this small UPS.

The unit is made by APC, and has the model number ES 350. It appears, after a Google search, that APC also confusingly calls it the BE350. Does anyone else have one of these?