I am looking for a magic television for aging parents. Not sure it exists, but here are specs:

1) It is just a television with a very simple remote control. There are no external boxes, cables or secondary controls, al la Tivo..

2) The remote is simple and has big buttons. It controls the TV and nothing else.

3) It has programming features such that:

- Every Sunday my sister sits with my folks and they go through the TV listsing.

- My sister uses the simple remote to tell the TV to tune to certain stations at certain times, i.e. at 7PM on Friday tune to channel 5 for 3 hours (Red Sox game), then on Saturday at 2PM tune to channel 7 for 2 hours (BC football).

4) When the TV is turned on, it goes to any programmed times/stations by default.

5) You can use the remote to channel surf, but at any time you can press a particularly big green button tthat puts you back on course -- takes you to the programmed channel if there is such.

I did a little searching, but didn't find anything that came close to this "TV-only" design. Would any of the newer external HDTV tuners provide this kind of function. I could live with some sort of external box so long as the complexity was completely hidden from the programmers (sister) and (end-users). The issue being that with various visual and other challenges, my folks can be in a state where they *think* the Red Sox are on (and they are right!) but they can't get the )*(&%^*% TV to the right channel.

Growing old. It ain't for sissies.

'Tis the exceptional fellow who lies awake at night thinking of his successes.