My wife has a totally sweet laptop her work gave to her. It's a 4th-gen Core i7, ultralight Dell and a fantastic computer.

...and it's completely locked down.

She has a standard user account and is totally and utterly locked out of making any changes on this system. When she's at home she can't change the network type from private to home, which meant that she had to call into her helpdesk and have them remote in just to add our home printer to her computer. I get the need for security, but when she's here at home Chrome can't even do its auto update.

I give up and her work wins, so I need to get her a basic laptop so she can do personal stuff. Here's what she does:

- web browsing (mostly GMail and Facebook, of course)
- photo management (Picasa will be installed but the database lives on my NAS)
- Simcity 5 (not the most graphically intense game but still a tough requirement)

My wife is actually quite tech-savvy so she'll be able to get the most out of this computer, but she doesn't need a ton of horsepower. Simcity is the curveball, because otherwise I'd just get her one of these. That would be more than enough, but I don't think the Intel 4400 graphics are going to cut it, let alone the Core i3.

Does anyone know about any great deals today/this week on 4th gen Core i5 laptops that could run Simcity?