
A while ago I hooked up my laptop's line-out to the AUX-IN of my empeg. Everything sounded okay, so I knew it worked. I even experienced some known software bugs when switching between AUX and Player modes...

Today, I hooked up my laptop's line-out to empeg's AUX-IN again, but the sound is very, very distorted and at a low volume. I exchanged cables, nothing changed. I attached different equipment, from AF/FM portable radio to discman on batteries and AC, nothing changed. The sound coming from the right channel is much worse (no bass) than from the left channel. The beeps (keypress) still sound OK! I really don't know how to check what's at fault. Suggestions anyone?

Edwin de Vaan
mk2 rev.7 # 080000263 (queue 1232) 6+20Gb blue/red
Edwin de Vaan aka FLaSHmAStER