Empeg World Tour

Posted by: pgrzelak

Empeg World Tour - 08/07/2003 16:14


I just wanted to comment about the number of meets that are currently being planned in the US at very near the same time. It might be wise to space them out a little, or coordinate them for an empeg world tour.

As far as I can see, there are three meets planned in the imminent future:

Northern California - late August
Colorodo - 13 September
Cincinnati - 20 September

I just wanted to comment, because the last thing that anyone would really want is competition between meets. Just curious at what everyone else thinks, especially the planners.
Posted by: loren

Re: Empeg World Tour - 08/07/2003 16:17

Yeah! Are you guys trying to kill Robricc with exhaustion or what?! =]
Posted by: wfaulk

Re: Empeg World Tour - 08/07/2003 16:34

Didn't we clue you in on that?
Posted by: pgrzelak

Re: Empeg World Tour - 08/07/2003 16:36

Ah! I knew there was a plan there, somewhere...
Posted by: Laura

Re: Empeg World Tour - 08/07/2003 16:38

Ah, but mine is the second annual meet and it was around the same time last year so there
Posted by: drakino

Re: Empeg World Tour - 08/07/2003 16:42

Actually, the Colorado one on the 13th was a date picked by Rob, since I am planning on going to NY to see the city before Laura's meet. This way, Rob comes out here for a tour of Colorado before hand.

Competition to the other meets will probably be minimal, since they are pretty far apart land mass wise. Though I do encourage people to go to the Cincinnati one, just due to the amount of fun we had last year.
Posted by: pgrzelak

Re: Empeg World Tour - 08/07/2003 17:13

Cool. I just wanted to give a reality check - there seemed to be a lot at (nearly) the same time. But I wasn't paying enough attention to a map at the time!
Posted by: robricc

Re: Empeg World Tour - 08/07/2003 17:32

I think I need to get a shirt made up of all the 2003 empeg meets.

I've been anticipating the Colorado one, so it is not a surprise and I'm looking forward to it.
Posted by: FireFox31

Re: Empeg World Tour - 08/07/2003 19:55

Ooh, I'm SO tempted to drive to CO for that meet.....