Lack of Mk 2

Posted by: Sheetzam

Lack of Mk 2 - 29/09/2001 14:39

Imagine my disappointment when I get home expecting my brand new Mk2a to have arrived (along with a tuner module and screen kit) and it wasn't included in the shipment! All the documentation I've found indicates it was shipped, but no Rio Car player in the box! Indeed the weight of the package proves that it wasn't included: the shipping label says it only weighs .56 pounds!
I've e-mailed and I hope this is just a mix up, and not a sign of something far more dire!

Posted by: rob

Re: Lack of Mk 2 - 29/09/2001 14:51

Those are two totally unrelated stores. If you ordered from the (US) SONICblue eStore, then email - if you ordered from the international empeg store then email or (or me!) to check what went wrong.

Sorry for the cock up (especially if it was the empeg store).


Posted by: Sheetzam

Re: Lack of Mk 2 - 29/09/2001 18:12

Thanks for the quick response. However, when I send them e-mail, this is what I get:

Your message

Subject: Re: SONICblue eStore Shipping Notification
Sent: Sun, 30 Sep 2001 01:34:22 +0100

did not reach the following recipient(s):

c=US;a= ;p=Diamondmm;o=SJ;; on Sun, 30 Sep 2001
01:30:31 +0100
The recipient name is not recognized
The MTS-ID of the original message is: c=us;a=
MSEXCH:IMS:Diamond Multimedia:SANJOSE:SJMAIL1 0 (000C05A6) Unknown

Posted by: tfabris

Re: Lack of Mk 2 - 29/09/2001 18:40

After all the complaints about Digital River and trouble ordering accessories... I just can't help but laugh out loud at this one.

Tony Fabris
Posted by: loren

Re: Lack of Mk 2 - 29/09/2001 20:16

Yeah, that's a pretty amazing blunder.

|| loren.cox ||
Posted by: msaeger

Re: Lack of Mk 2 - 29/09/2001 20:26

so I wonder if this means someone got an extra empeg

32Gig MK2 In 2001 VW Golf TDI
Posted by: Terminator

Re: Lack of Mk 2 - 29/09/2001 21:24

oh boy! maybe it will be in the package they are sending me!

Posted by: rob

Re: Lack of Mk 2 - 29/09/2001 23:04

Sorry, I just repeated the email address you quoted, assuming you'd been given it in a confirmation email or some such. If not, just follow the contact links at the store.


Posted by: Sheetzam

Re: Lack of Mk 2 - 30/09/2001 06:32

Oh, that was the e-mail address that send me the order confirmation number, and it included a "respond to orders" as a return address. That netted me the bounced e-mail above. So I've gone to the web site and they don't have an e-mail address listed, just a nice web based form you can use to send e-mail. Very frustrating all in all.