1640 Contacted

Posted by: drakino

1640 Contacted - 08/09/1999 01:14

I was e-mailed earlier today asking what I wanted to do, buy now, later, or never. For now, I said later as a few unpaied bills and a low bank account are saying no.

So anyone 1501-2000 will probably be contacted here soon,

Posted by: JeepBastard

Re: 1640 Contacted - 08/09/1999 13:58

I wish I could have bought it from you :) or bought your slot!
Some of us have numbers in the 10,000 and ready to buy now :)
I had a lower number.. but My email at comedy central changed.
So now I had to sign back up. sigh. I could cry!

I trade it all for a EMPEG.
Posted by: rob

Re: 1640 Contacted - 09/09/1999 06:42

If your email address changes, simply email info@empeg.com and ask for it to be updated - you'll keep your existing position in the queue and won't need to submit another registration form.

When you request a change, so that we know you're who you say you are, please tell us your old email address, registration number (if known) and another item if information previously supplied, such as address or phone number.
