Computer Gear gift certificate

Posted by: pgrzelak

Computer Gear gift certificate - 31/03/2003 09:24


I received a $50 gift certificate from Computer Gear a while ago. (A free gift for supporting User Friendly.) I looked, and there is absolutely nothing I want from the place. If anyone shops there, and wants it, first reply to this post gets it.
Posted by: wfaulk

Re: Computer Gear gift certificate - 31/03/2003 10:51

There's a couple of things there I'd idly been considering getting, though not from there in particular.

I seem to happen to be the first to respond, but if someone else wants something more, let 'em have it.
Posted by: wfaulk

Re: Computer Gear gift certificate - 31/03/2003 11:09

Well, Paul gave it to me, but if someone shows up in the next day or so (to be definite, let's say before midnight UTC, April 2) and says that they were getting ready to buy something in particular, I'll gladly hand it over.
Posted by: djc

Re: Computer Gear gift certificate - 31/03/2003 12:09

let me had your eye on the bookmark dictionary, right?

that's quite a collection of crap they sell.

Posted by: wfaulk

Re: Computer Gear gift certificate - 31/03/2003 13:46

Actually, that was one of the things, but it would be for my wife.

I wouldn't go so far to say that it's crap. I mean, it's better than Spencer Gifts, but it certainly is a random collection.
Posted by: justinlarsen

Re: Computer Gear gift certificate - 01/04/2003 02:12

Dang i could really use a personal refrig, ive been eye balling one of them for awhile.
Posted by: tman

Re: Computer Gear gift certificate - 01/04/2003 06:41

They're quite neat. They're not silent though as there is a fan in the back to cool the peltier device.

- Trevor
Posted by: ithoughti

Re: Computer Gear gift certificate - 01/04/2003 11:09

what a huge load of crap on that site.