Hard Disk Drive Wanted

Posted by: ShadowMan

Hard Disk Drive Wanted - 07/11/2003 09:11

Hey all,

My girlfriends 12 gig Hard drive is starting to act up (Mark II) trouble synchronising and the click of death last night. I was wondering if there is anyone out there who has upgraded to a larger drive that is willing to sell me their old drive. Nothing smaller then a 12 gig will satisfy her but she wouldn't mind having a bigger one. (Please don't read too much into that )

If you have one to sell feel free to PM me. I can PayPal the $$$ to you if the price is right.

Posted by: tfabris

Re: Hard Disk Drive Wanted - 07/11/2003 12:15

Sanity check. Are you sure it's not this or this? If it's one of those problems, then replacing the disk drive isn't going to fix it. Details here, as always.
Posted by: ShadowMan

Re: Hard Disk Drive Wanted - 07/11/2003 12:30

I'll be checking out the header this weekend.
It's a Mark II and not a Mark IIa so I doubt the cable is the culprit.

I am thinking it's the drive because last night it let out a loud noise, sort of like a spring flying free!

Posted by: JBjorgen

Re: Hard Disk Drive Wanted - 07/11/2003 16:52

I've had two separate drives give the "Click of death" with the cold solder joints on the header. I could have sworn the drives were dead, but once the header was fixed, they worked like a charm.
Posted by: ShadowMan

Re: Hard Disk Drive Wanted - 12/11/2003 07:58

I opened her up and all didn't look so good. I sent some emails to Eutronix and Mark Lord but got antsy and fired up my soldering iron. All seems good right now. I never had any solder to add to the teensy amount that was there so I reckon I'll be pulling her apart again before too long to add a drop on the troublesome contacts.

I'd still be interested in a cheap hard drive though.
